My entry into last months Stamps by Aurora Wings Facebook challenge was chosen as one of the top three.

It’s always such a nice feeling when someone else likes the pieces you produce.
This months challenge can be found here:

I thought about this one for a while, then looked through all my Aurora Wings digi stamps. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, and the challenge being pink to celebrate this I wanted something delicate and ethereal. I had the perfect TWO images.
To combine the two I needed to convert them from JPG images to PNG images, and with Mitzi’s permission I produced this image. I used Photoshop to convert them and Serif Craft Artist 2 to combine them.

The individual images can be purchased in jpg format from Aurora Wings Etsy store.
This is how far I have gotten. I now just have to turn this into a mixed media piece now.

Each dancer is coloured in different types of pencils. The Flower Ballerina on the left was coloured using Prismacolor pencils. The Star Dancer on the right was coloured using Marco Raffine artists oil pencils. I created the background with LuminArte iridescent watercolours.
Flower Ballerina colours used were Light Peach – PC927, Blush Pink – PC928, Pink Rose – PC1018 for the skin with the darkest tone Salmon Pink – PC1001. Pink – PC929, Process Red – PC994, Hot Pink – PC993, Mulberry – PC995 and Marine Green – PC988 for the dress and pointe shoes. Finally I used Pumpkin Orange – PC1032 and Orange – PC916 for the hair.
Star Dancer colours used were flesh tones – 518, 519, and 520. Pinks in the dress were 512, 513, and 516. The stars were done with dark plum 525 and the hair was browns 553, 559 and 563.
The background LuminArte colours used were Natural Linen, Chiffon Pink, Cherry Sorbet and Mustard Green, with hints of Iridescent Red in the Star Dancers hair.