I live in Lincolnshire, in a small village surrounded by farm land. In fact my home is surrounded on three sides by fields most often used for wheat or potatoes. On Saturday afternoon we went out with the grandkids for a drive. When we returned, we left their coats in the car sitting on the car seats.
Sunday morning we had to take the kids home to the Midlands to their mum. David took them out to the car to get them into their car seats, and the next thing I know he is shouting me, angry as you like. Ty's brand new duffel coat had a hole chewed through it, big enough to get my fist through, Ruby's car seat had been eaten away at the side, the car mat behind the drivers seat had been eaten, the handbrake gaiter was half eaten and on looking in the glove box the car service book and its fabric cover, and the carpet to the bulk head had been chewed on. So what do we do? Behind the dash above the glove box is a passenger airbag that cannot be turned off, and inside the handbrake tunnel are electric wires going to the seatbelts handbrake, and 12V socket. Ford wont touch the car until the rodent has been exterminated, then they will do continuity tests on the wiring, at our cost, Insurance don't cover rodent damage. So we set up traps last night, and turn on the interior scanners. Three times the bloody thing just waltzed off with the bait, and traps leaving them empty, moved to the other side of the car, but still set. Need new style traps, and from the teeth marks, the traps need to be rat sized. Oh and there is going to be some serious poisoned bait going inside the handbrake cause that is where he is coming out.
In thirty two years of driving and owning cars, I have never had a rat, or mouse in a car, but I'm told it is quite common. They can even live inside the car seats.
Have a lot more grey in my hair today.